Saturday, March 12, 2011

Proud to be Brazilian

Today I posted on my Facebook that I woke up proudly Brazilian this morning. I took a shower and put on my yellow and green Brazilian shirt. Read my uncle's letter, and more than any other day, missed my people terribly. I've been listening to some old traditional songs from my country all day. Songs that touch my heart, written with passion, tears, love, and happiness. Happiness... that is one of the adjectives that describes better than any other how we are. And that happiness that makes you laugh louder than any other person in the room, that makes you hug and kiss the ones you love, and that includes your family, your friends and someone new  you just met. Happiness that makes your heart celebrate, without a party or even a reason to. 

I am Brazilian, I am loud, I say things from my heart, I sing and dance, I love and I smile... just because.

I wrote this whole thing in English, not my love language, and I really don't care if I wrote something something wrong. Smile!


  1. Yeah!!! Your english was beautiful and I was so excited to read every word of it!! :)

  2. oi tudo bom?que Deus te abençoe dani e tb o josh!
    toda paz do mundo pra vcs dois
    amor,fé,paz,esperança e um futuro incrivel cheio de sonhos pra vcs!
    ei vc ainda tem a foto do sir campelo do loser manos naquele show q a gente foi?se tiver me avisa e manda pra mim ok?

    beijos pra vcs

    vitor lobo

  3. ahhh visitem meu site
    e vejam uma entrevista que a sião fez comigo na revista zion:
